Have You Considered Clear Aligners for Your Orthodontic Treatment?

Orthodontic treatment offers many benefits, including proper tooth alignment, improved oral health, and a more attractive smile. Despite these benefits, some patients, especially adults, avoid wearing traditional braces with brackets and wires.

We understand these objections to wearing standard braces and have good news for patients who would rather not do so.Clear aligners in Norton, OH, offer all the same benefits as standard braces without wearing a mouth full of metal for two years or longer.

What Are Clear Aligners?

As the name suggests, clear aligners are see-through aligners that you wear on your top and bottom rows of teeth. Other people typically cannot see the aligners unless they are sitting or standing right by you. You can remove the clear aligners for special occasions, but we urge you not to do this often. Patients who wear their aligners for at least 22 hours a day have the best results and get through orthodontic treatment faster than those who frequently remove them. However, you do need to remove the aligners to eat, brush your teeth, and clean them.

The Treatment Process

Before you can wear your first aligner, Dr. Brian Hockenberger takes X-rays and creates impressions of your top and bottom rows of teeth, sending this information to our laboratory. Once the laboratory technicians have finished creating your customized aligners, you return to our office for a fitting. Dr. Hockenberger will adjust your aligner if necessary to make it more comfortable for you to wear.

We will send you home with a set of aligners. After you have worn the first one for two weeks, please discard it and replace it with the next one in the set.

Please contact us to schedule a consultation to learn more aboutclear aligners in Norton, OH.

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