Have You Considered Clear Aligners for Your Orthodontic Treatment?
Orthodontic treatment offers many benefits, including proper…

3 Myths About Wearing Braces
Many myths about wearing braces have circulated since they first…

Metal, Clear, or Lingual: Which Type of Braces Are Right for You?
The decision to getbraces in Norton, OH, is not always easy.…

Why Do My Teeth Hurt After Adjustments?
If you wear braces, you know that you have to have regular appointments…

Why Your Child Needs Early Orthodontic Care
Orthodontic care is a step above the general daily care that…

Hockenberger Orthodontics — How Do Clear Aligners Work?
If you want straight teeth, clear aligners are a great option.…

Are Clear Braces the Right Orthodontic Treatment Option for You?
People who need braces today have more options about how they…

What Is a Temporary Anchorage Device?
A Temporary Anchorage Device (TAD) is a small dental implant…