Clear Aligners vs. Traditional Braces

Both clear aligners and traditional braces are effective orthodontic treatments that can result in a straighter, healthier smile. However, to find the right option for your needs, it’s important to look at the pros and cons of each method.

Keep reading to learn more!

Differences to Consider

Below you’ll learn about the differences between clear aligners and traditional braces:


If you’re looking for something that’s practically invisible, go for clear aligners. These orthodontic devices feature clear trays placed over your teeth. Over time, these aligners move your teeth to the desired position. Traditional braces, on the other hand, involve brackets and wires that are glued and fixed into your mouth. While you can sometimes choose clear brackets, clear aligners are much less visible.

If you’re interested in clear aligners or braces in Norton, OH, reach out to Hockenberger Orthodontics today to get started!


Clear aligners involve trays that can be removed from the mouth when eating or drinking, making them a much more comfortable choice than traditional braces. Also, you don’t have to worry about brackets or wires, which can cause some discomfort.


As previously mentioned, clear aligners can be removed when eating or drinking. Traditional braces are glued to your teeth and can only be removed by an orthodontic specialist. This can be problematic, especially when eating something tough or chewy. However, while clear aligners are removable, you could easily misplace them.


Many believe that clear aligners are much more convenient than traditional braces. However, you must remember to put them back on your teeth after eating, which can be a hassle. Another benefit of clear aligners is that the treatment process typically involves fewer visits to the orthodontist.

Foods to Avoid

Those who have standard braces must watch what they eat. In fact, they should probably avoid hard candies and anything sticky or too crunchy. Eating these foods can damage the brackets or wires. On the other hand, as you take clear aligners off when eating, there are no diet restrictions.

Whether you’re looking for braces or clear aligners in Norton, OH, Hockenberger Orthodontics has you covered!

Considering Metal Braces? Here is What You Should Know

Despite several alternatives becoming available over the last decade or so, metal braces remain the most popular form of straightening teeth. Here is what you should know if you’re considering metal braces in Norton, OH.

How Metal Braces Work to Improve Tooth Alignment

Metal braces consist of brackets that attach to the front of each tooth that Dr. Hockenberger connects with a thin wire. Both the top and bottom rows of teeth have one wire that connects all the brackets together.

The brackets and wires apply pressure to your teeth to slowly shift into a different position. You or your child may also wear small rubber bands on the back teeth to increase the level of pressure. We require patients to come in for an appointment at Hockenberger Orthodontics approximately once every four weeks to tighten and adjust the metal braces. Discomfort after an adjustment is common but should disappear entirely within a few days.

Here are some of the most common conditions we treat with metal braces in Norton, OH:

  • Crooked teeth
  • Crowded teeth
  • Overbite
  • Protruding teeth
  • Underbite

During the initial consultation, we use the Index of Orthodontic Treatment Need to determine the severity of the problem to help us develop a treatment plan.

What Are Some of the Benefits of Metal Braces?

Metal braces are especially effective in treating overcrowded teeth compared to the other available options. Other benefits you can expect include:

  • The most affordable orthodontic treatment option
  • No ability to misplace them like with clear aligners
  • Durable
  • Various choices are available in size and color.
  • Dr. Hockenberger can gauge the progress of tooth movement a bit easier.

Keep in mind that having aligned teeth is more than a cosmetic improvement. Crooked, crowded, and protruding teeth, as well as those with an overbite or underbite, can be challenging to keep clean. Please contact us to request an orthodontic consultation.

How to Decide if You Need Braces  

Maybe you have known for years that your child would need braces one day and now that day is here. You could also be considering braces for yourself if you never had the opportunity to straighten your teeth when you were younger.

Whatever your situation, Hockenberger Orthodontics understands that the decision to get braces in Norton, Wadsworth, and Akron, OH is not an easy one. We provide some obvious and not so obvious signs that you or your child could benefit from braces in this blog.

Indications of Needing Braces for Children and Adults

Visible misalignment or crooked teeth is one of the obvious signs of needing orthodontic treatment. However, did you know that getting braces does more than improve your smile? Misalignment and other common issues make it challenging to keep teeth clean and result in more expensive dental issues down the line. Here are some other signs:

  • Flossing between crooked or poorly aligned teeth is difficult or impossible
  • Jawline feels fatigued after chewing food
  • Frequently cutting tongue with teeth or biting it
  • Difficulty producing certain speech sounds due to the tongue’s position
  • Your jaw often clicks or makes other noises when you open your mouth wide.
  • Breathing through the mouth as much as possible
  • Thumb sucking or using a pacifier past age two
  • Losing baby teeth too late or too early
  • Teeth never come fully together even with a closed mouth

The American Academy of Orthodontics now recommends that children see an orthodontist for the first time by age seven. Even though they are unlikely to get braces for several years, visiting an orthodontist early allows for more efficient monitoring and improved planning over the years.

Schedule a Consultation to See if You’re a Good Candidate for Braces

Hockenberger Orthodontics invites all new patients to schedule a time to learn more about orthodontic treatment and the different types of braces available.