Foods to Avoid When Wearing Braces

If you’re going to be getting braces in Norton, OH, you’ll need to know how to care for the braces and your teeth. It’s essential to continue your oral hygiene practices while wearing braces, but the braces can make removing food debris harder. In addition, certain foods have the potential to damage the braces. The point is, there are some foods and other substances that you should be avoiding during the time that you’re wearing the braces.

Saltwater Taffy

Saltwater taffy isn’t good for your teeth to begin with, but it’s especially bad for people with braces. This stretchy, sugary candy will get stuck in the braces and make it nearly impossible to get rid of.


Many people enjoy chewing on ice, which can lead to chipped and broken teeth. But with braces, the potential for damage includes your brace. At least until you have your braces off, avoid chomping on ice.


Whole wheat bread isn’t bad in general, but even this should be avoided when wearing braces. Bread tends to form a doughy consistency when it mixes with saliva, which is also hard to remove from teeth and braces. If you must eat bread, consider pulling off bits at placing them in your mouth rather than taking bites with your front teeth.

Peanut Brittle

Peanut brittle and other hard candies should be avoided when wearing braces since they have a tendency to get stuck in the components of the braces, like some other foods on this list. Candy, in general, shouldn’t be eaten in order to preserve your oral health, but peanut brittle is one of the worst.

Your dentist in Norton, OH, will provide you with comprehensive care instructions when you get your braces. In the meantime, this list will give you an idea of foods that you’ll need to avoid. To book your next appointment, contact us today.

Do Crooked Baby Teeth Mean Your Child Will Have Crooked Adult Teeth?

It can be concerning for parents if their child’s teeth come in crooked at first. They may picture sky-high dental bills for braces in the future, or they may just have trouble cleaning their kids’ teeth if they’re not evenly spaced. If you’re wondering what crooked teeth will mean for their adult teeth, we’ll look at what causes crooked teeth and what you can expect.

What Causes Crooked Baby Teeth?

There are a few culprits here for crooked baby teeth in Norton, OH, and they include:

  • Genetics: The combination of the mother’s and father’s genes can make for some interesting interpretations in your child’s mouth.
  • Tongue thrusting: When a child isn’t swallowing correctly, the tongue movements can cause the teeth to come forward. Sometimes called an open bite, you can identify this condition if the front tooth doesn’t meet the bottom when the child closes their mouth.
  • Additional teeth: If an extra tooth comes in between the front teeth, it will need to be extracted before it can wreak havoc elsewhere. (This is rare, but it does occur.)

What Do Crooked Baby Teeth Mean for Adult Teeth?

Thankfully, it usually doesn’t mean anything. The older the child gets, the more their mouth and jaw will change. As they grow, their teeth tend to straighten out. This means that even if the baby teeth are all over the place, you won’t necessarily have to worry about their permanent teeth appearing in the same positions.

Orthodontists in Norton, OH

If you’re looking for dentists in Norton, OH that can help you navigate your child’s development, the staff at Hockenberger Orthodontics is here to help. Whether you’re interested in a specific treatment or just have general questions, contact us today to see what we can do.